The Book…

A Father’s Journey With His Disabled Son


ISBN: 978-0-9868624-0-3 (paperback)
Published in Prince Edward Island, Canada, 2012


by John Holton

His mother was the first to notice that everything was not quite right. After several weeks of difficulties with breastfeeding, she detected a minor flaw which the experts passed off as a paranoid mother’s imagination working overtime.  After all, he looked normal.  There was no indication of the monster lurking within, but it was there, that little something, a weakness on the right side.

“Cerebral Palsy, right side hemiplegia, a classic case”.  A sentence I had never heard before, but now it was our son’s life – our lives. He later manifested temporal lobe epilepsy and began to seizure regularly – as if CP wasn’t enough!


The following excerpts highlight some of the many ups and downs we all experienced on our journey…

Click Here for the first excerpt - Terror (from Chapter 7)

Click for the second excerpt - A Special Case (Chapter 17)

Click for the third excerpt - I am OK... Really (from Chapter 34)

Click for the fourth excerpt - Hoisted by our own Petard (from Chapter 51)

Click for the fifth excerpt - Home for the Holidays (Chapter 59)

To purchase the book ABCDEEG – A Father’s Journey With His Disabled Son, Click Here